Do you know the 6th biggest country in the world? Yes, it’s Australia. It’s not only a country but also a mainland. Australia is the most sought place for immigration motive. Varieties of persons apply for Australian immigration daily. It’s a history of successful immigration tales since 1945.
Australia is a country wealthy in resources. It has a variety of opportunities for people shifting there. Migration to Australia has been successful for several people worldwide. For a better lifestyle, it provides an excellent scope. It’s due to the great economy of the country and the dirty lifestyle of the people.
Australia is the sixth-largest country in the world. This is the world’s 9th Largest Populated. This is the 13th Largest Economy. The weather varies from state to state. Australia is the largest country in Oceania. The total Area of 7,692,024km. The total population of around is 25,152,200. The capital of Australia is Canberra. The largest city in Australia is Sydney. The currency of Australia is AUS $.
Why immigrate to Australia?
Benefits of Permanent residence:
This entitles you to the right to live in Australia indefinitely. You can enjoy the facilities of unlimited travel to and from Australia once you become a permanent resident. Free education till 18 years. Permanent residents can work for any employer in any occupation. They can become a part of trade unions and can claim workers’ compensation. Under Medicare, you could receive free treatment at a public hospital and subsidized medicine. Children of permanent residents who are born in Australia are deemed Australian citizens by birth. Australia’s permanent resident is also granted the right to travel to New Zealand and apply for a New Zealand Visa. Australian Immigration
Types of Immigration
Three ways to enter Australia on PR (Permanent Residence).
- GSM (General skilled migration).
- Business migration.
- Employment migration.
- Graduate visa.
Types of visa
- Subclass 189 (Skilled – Independent Visa)
- Subclass 190 (Skilled – Nominated visa)
- Subclass 491 (Skilled – Regional state visa)
Subclass 189 (Skilled – Independent Visa)
With this visa, you can stay permanently in Australia. Its cost is AUD3,755.In 75% of applications take 8 months processing time, and 90% of applications take 11 months.
With this visa, you can
- work and study anywhere in Australia
- sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence
- apply for Australian citizenship, if eligible
You must:
- Have an occupation on the relevant skilled occupation list
- Have a suitable skills assessment for the occupation
- Be invited to apply for this visa
Subclass 190 (Skilled – Nominated visa)
With this visa, you can stay permanently in Australia. Its cost is AUD3,755. In 75% of applications take 8 months processing time, and 90% of applications take 11 months.
With this visa, you can
- work and study anywhere in Australia
- sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence
- apply for Australian citizenship, if eligible
You must:
- Have an occupation on the relevant skilled occupation list
- Have a suitable skills assessment for the occupation
- Be invited to apply for this visa
Subclass 491 (Skilled – Regional state visa)
With this visa, you can stay up to 4 years in Australia. Its cost is AUD3,755.In 75% of applications take 7 months processing time, and 90% of applications take 10 months.
With this visa, you can
- Stay in Australia for up to 4 years.
- Live, work, and study in a specified region of Australia.
- Travel to and from Australia as many times as you want, while the visa is valid
You must:
- Be nominated to apply by a state or territory government agency, or an eligible relative must sponsor you.
- Have an occupation on the relevant skilled occupation list
- Have a suitable skills assessment for the occupation
Application fee:
Its fee is AUD 550. The application fee may be paid online, by post, or in person. Please note that we do not accept cash payments. We accept MasterCard or VISA. Online payments can be made when you submit your application online. IELTS is not required. The validity of the report is 24 months from the date of issue. Australian Immigration